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Empower your talent, elevate your business

Talentware is the talent management platform designed to help businesses effectively engage, develop, and retain talent through a skill-based approach

From a role-based to a skill-based talent management approach

In today's fast-paced business environment, organizations need to focus on employee development centered around skills rather than just work history or degrees. If you are wondering how to transition from a role-based to a skill-based talent management approach, Talentware is the right tool for you.
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Dynamic skill mapping

Talentware's AI-powered engine provides dynamic employee skill mapping, leveraging multiple data sources specific to the role and the industry you work in.
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Career planning and mobility

By analyzing skills, work preferences, and interests, the Talentware algorithm automatically charts personalized career paths and identifies skill gaps to facilitate seamless transitions into desired roles.


Tailored development and Social learning

Talentware enables companies to tap into a diverse and highly skilled talent pool by prioritizing training and mentoring sessions based on skill gaps and key areas for improvement.

We provide an end-to-end talent management experience


Are you too facing the following challenges?

  • Retention issues due to inadequate development opportunities
  • Struggle in attracting talent due to weak employer branding
  • High employee disengagement and loss of productivity
  • Limited visibility on employee competences and interests
  • Significant time spent in writing job descriptions and creating dashboards
  • Need to reach ESG & DEI goals reinforcing Social aspects
  • Performance reviews hampered by human or systemic bias
  • Siloed business units & limited cross-function collaboration
"By aggregating the skill gaps of each employee, you can immediately see where your company needs to invest and define the development targets for next year accordingly."

What are you waiting for?